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What is Erikson’s “ Stages of Psychosocial Development” and how does it relate to your development?

At each stages we encounter different needs, ask new questions and meet people who may or may not influence our behavior and learning as well. This changes can either have a  positive or negative influence in our life. But some of the psychosocial development is in the personality and course of the development of how a person depends on certain psychosocial crisis where they would be solve early in their life. The eight stages of psychosocial development are; Basic Trust vs. Mistrust, Autonomy vs. Shame & Doubt, Initiative vs. Guilt, Industry vs. Inferiority, Identity vs. Role confusion among others.
In our infancy we ask ourselves if we can trust the world,later on we learned that if we can trust someone now then we can also trust others in the future. This development is called basic trust vs. mistrust which is stage one that happened to be from ages 1-2 years old. When the child is going through this stage one of the social reference person is  mostly the mother, who through offering the breast not only meets the child’s elementary basic needs, like eating, but it will also provide the oral satisfaction she takes on the role of provider that the child can rely on( Sheck 2005). The trust is just giving, in the person of the mother, but according to Erikson it also refers to the infant himself. But “trust” I mean an essential truthfulness  of others as well as the fundamental sense of one’s own
trustworthiness(Erikson 1994). This is an example on how a child can really depend on it’s mother based on how the child since birth was given the chance of the mother to feed him/her whenever the mother was constantly reminded of by the child cry’s. But if  the infants are treated cruelly or their needs are not met appropriately, they will likely grow up with a sense of mistrust for people in the world. Because Unresponsive caregivers who do not meet their baby’s needs can engender feelings of anxiety, fear, and mistrust; their baby may see the world as unpredictable.
Second of all, In our early childhood we experience ourselves in discover our body and start asking questions like, “ is it OK to be me?”, or “why am I like this.” If we are allowed to discover so, then we develop self-confidence and if we do do not then later on we have to build shame and self doubt. If a child can’t take care if his own basic needs and continue to rely on others to take care of him, he may feel shameful when he sees that other kids of his same age are able to perform task when other kids can( PSYCHOLOGY 2017). This means that when a child doesn’t have much self-esteem for him/her to be able to do certain task that is ask to do, this can really bring down his confidence on thinking that he is not capable of such things. In Stage Two from ages 2-4 years old is when  both parent play a major role in his/her early childhood. This can also be same as Stage 3 from ages 4-5 where children now start to take initiative to do certain task and are amazed about how a round things can rolls, also they can questions themselves on things that they think is okay for them to do. Which if they get encourage the child can learn to it’s something that it’s okay for him/her to do, but when the child is told to not do do something they can develop guilt.

Finally,  we have the final stages of how from ages 13-19 years old when the child is growing up he or she is starting to do new things, to have new experiences. This can obviously change when they continue to grow that maybe their liking change or the way they dress, as well as their image. Which later on when they continue to grow and are between the ages of 20-40 years old, they continue their adulthood on how to built in order to fit in. Then they would question themselves the same way when they were kids, “ Can we love?”, “ are i capable of having a long term relationship?”  but if they are able to do them they gain happiness and confidence but if they don’t they might end up alone and feeling isolated.  Later on to the final stage which is Ego Despair vs. Integrity from ages 65- death, the person can either start to slow down  and start to look back on how they did in their lives. They have done something significant during their younger years. When they look back in their life, they feel content, as they believe that they have lived their life to the fullest. If they feel that they haven’t done much during their life, it’s likely that they will experience a sense of
despair( Sheck 2005).  Because if they do not look back at what they have done during the early years when they were young adults they can become bitter and also grumpy.

We sometimes believe that some of the things we read aren’t real but then we start researching and then come up with the conclusion that this thing that we thought we believe be real after all. I believe that without having this stages we wouldn’t be the person we are today , because this stages show uf how we create  mistakes, we feel guilty, we feel love etc. This stages just show us deeper thing to our person. Each stages we encounter different needs, ask new questions and meet people who may or may not influence our behavior and learning as well. This changes can either have a  positive or negative influence in our life. But then i believe that if we didn’t have this we can become either a better person or a bad person. Because it show us how we can become bad when some told us not to do certain things we may believe that we could and lose the self esteem that we once built, when our parent encourage us to do.  But as we grow older we become either happy or bitter , when we look back at the things we did when we were young. Having this type of stages we then wouldn’t be the person we are today.


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