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In the ship that Tarzan and his family where boarding it sets on fire. The father of Tarzan's tries to get out of the ship safe. Since they didn’t have anywhere to stay the family started to create a tree house in the island. When they were staying there they notice that there was a jaguar and trying to kill them, but at the end they only killed both parents. In the meantime 
baby Tarzan was alone and then comes a female gorilla to rescue him from the jaguar.When Kala brings Tarzan to the pack the alpha, Kerchak, get mad since Tarzan wasn't the same kind as them.Tarzan was raised like a gorilla because all his childhood was spend with them; the reason for it was because he doesn’t have a family. Suddenly, in the island he sees a girl, an old man and a hunter. When he meets the girl in person he is willing to take some risks. For example, to take the girl, Jane, the old man, and the hunter to meet the gorillas so they can learn more about their morals and what they do in the pack of gorillas. Once, that Tarzan decided that he wanted to left with the humans to live a life the way he was supposed to, they were waiting for a ship to come from them and when the ship arrived they aborted  it which the hunter keep them trap so they would be able to kill the pack. Tarzan the finally scapes and goes help the pack, when fighting the hunter he fells and dies. Then Tarzan goes help the alpha kerchak but dies and tells Tarzan that he always saw him as his son. Tarzan becomes the alpha.


   Andrea <3

P.S. all rights deserve to the owner of the image.


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