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My name is Andrea Alcantar, i'm from Mexicali Baja California. When i was nine years old i came to the united states, and was really scare since my first language is Spanish. i felt really scare when i knew that i needed to start making new friends on a new place that i wouldn’t know if they would understand me. Therefore, when i had my first day of school they had introduced me to a students who name was Stephanie. she help a lot when it comes to my work, writing and reading as well as speaking and translating me English to Spanish. After all this years leaving in the US, i have learn a lot. That everyone knows even a little of Spanish weather is for working etc. Sometimes i ask myself what would've happened if i have never came to the US to live .
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What is Erikson’s “ Stages of Psychosocial Development” and how does it relate to your development? At each stages we encounter different needs, ask new questions and meet people who may or may not influence our behavior and learning as well. This changes can either have a  positive or negative influence in our life. But some of the psychosocial development is in the personality and course of the development of how a person depends on certain psychosocial crisis where they would be solve early in their life. The eight stages of psychosocial development are; Basic Trust vs. Mistrust, Autonomy vs. Shame & Doubt, Initiative vs. Guilt, Industry vs. Inferiority, Identity vs. Role confusion among others. In our infancy we ask ourselves if we can trust the world,later on we learned that if we can trust someone now then we can also trust others in the future. This development is called basic trust vs. mistrust which is stage one that happened to be from ages 1-2 years old. Wh
In the united states there was a lot of racism and there wasn't respect at all. until three black students decide to stand up for their rights and even if they weren't from the same color they should not only be treated equally but also when they are being payed. people started to realize how big of a deal this was. so the president John F. Kennedy decided to start the planning of the civil rights, and then he said, " I will not be fully free until all of its citizens are free. This was the response that president John F. Kennedy gave to the American Society since they wanted to stop the discrimination that was going on in the 60รข€™s. Which didn't let some people go into churches, restaurants, and restroom. But mostly this happened to the black community. Once the Civil Rights was done a lot of this discrimination was almost fully stop and it made people realize that just because they are not the same skin color they are still human and should be treated the same.


In the ship that Tarzan and his family where boarding it sets on fire. The father of Tarzan's tries to get out of the ship safe. Since they didn’t have anywhere to stay the family started to create a tree house in the island. When they were staying there they notice that there was a jaguar and trying to kill them, but at the end they only killed both parents. In the meantime  baby Tarzan was alone and then comes a female gorilla to rescue him from the jaguar.When Kala brings Tarzan to the pack the alpha, Kerchak, get mad since Tarzan wasn't the same kind as them.Tarzan was raised like a gorilla because all his childhood was spend with them; the reason for it was because he doesn’t have a family. Suddenly, in the island he sees a girl, an old man and a hunter. When he meets the girl in person he is willing to take some risks. For example, to take the girl, Jane, the old man, and the hunter to meet the gorillas so they can learn more about their morals and what they do in th


              During the afternoon Snoopy was wondering about many things in life and only one thing got him thinking the most and wondering. He knew he wanted to write about it but he didn't know how to start it or what was the reason to it. As he kept thinking he got many answer as to why marriage ends but he only knew one and that was the one he wanted to write about it. As he was writing he thought that maybe cupid's arrows had an expiration date and that may be the reason as to why some marriages didn't work and that was the answer the wrote while every second of it the day got darker and he kept writing about many things that would get him wondering of. xoxo,      Andrea <3 P.S. i don't own the picture nor the comic strip.


  One of the kind of many books I have read and one that I like the most was,   A Rose For Melinda  by Lurlene McDaniel. I had read this book a year ago when I was in my senior year of high school. I found this book based on my classmate, she told me it was such an amazing book that it so heartwarming and touching that it would make me cry. The book is about a ballet dancer name Melinda Skye whose dream was to become a prima ballerina and to work for a huge company, but along the way she had a collapse during a ballet dance that would give her opportunities. When taken to the hospital the doctor run a lot of analysis and she then gets the sad news that she has leukemia. I remember this book because it reminds me of my Grandmother who also fought for cancer. Also because it shows the protagonist point of view on how she felt for during her chemo therapy, and that is something that I would had really like to know how someone felt, since my grandmother never told me anything of